while (1)
tmp = HAL_GetTick();
if(tmp - tick > 1000)
tick = tmp;
https://www.stmcu.com.cn/upload/20200103/169.pnghttps://www.stmcu.com.cn/upload/20200103/170.png主要代码sht30hi2c.c/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "i2c.h"
#include "sht30.h"
extern I2C_HandleTypeDef hi2c1;
typedef enum
SHT30_OK = 0x00U,
SHT30_ERROR = 0x01U,
} SHT30_StatusTypeDef;
//======================================I2Cx redefine start===================================
static void I2Cx_Error(uint8_t Addr)
/* De-initialize the I2C communication bus */
/* Re-Initialize the I2C communication bus */
static void SHT3X_WriteCMD(unsigned short cmd)
uint8_t buf;
HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
status = HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c1, SHT3X_WR_ADDR, buf, 2, 1000);
if(status != HAL_OK)
/* I2C error occurred */
static int SHT3X_ReadData(unsigned short cmd, unsigned char *buf, unsigned short len)
HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_OK;
status = HAL_I2C_Mem_Read(&hi2c1, SHT3X_WR_ADDR, cmd, I2C_MEMADD_SIZE_16BIT, buf, len, 1000);
if(status != HAL_OK)
/* I2C error occurred */
return SHT30_OK;
static unsigned char SHT3X_CalcCrc(unsigned char *crcdata, unsigned char nbrOfBytes)
unsigned char Bit; // bit mask
unsigned char crc = 0xFF; // calculated checksum
unsigned char byteCtr; // byte counter
// calculates 8-Bit checksum with given polynomial
for(byteCtr = 0; byteCtr < nbrOfBytes; byteCtr++)
crc ^= (crcdata);
for(Bit = 8; Bit > 0; --Bit)
if(crc & 0x80) crc = (crc << 1) ^ POLYNOMIAL;
else crc = (crc << 1);
return crc;
void SHT3X_Init(void)
int SHT3X_GetTempAndHumi(short *temp, short *humi)
unsigned long intrawValueTemp; // temperature raw value from sensor
unsigned long intrawValueHumi; // humidity raw value from sensor
unsigned char Rdata={0};
if(SHT3X_ReadData(CMD_FETCH_DATA, Rdata, 6)==SHT30_ERROR)
return SHT30_ERROR;
if(Rdata == SHT3X_CalcCrc(Rdata, 2) && Rdata == SHT3X_CalcCrc(&Rdata, 2))
rawValueTemp = (Rdata << 8) | Rdata;
rawValueHumi = (Rdata << 8) | Rdata;
*temp =(short)(1750 * rawValueTemp / 65535 - 450);
*humi =(short)(1000 * rawValueHumi / 65535);
return SHT30_OK;
return SHT30_ERROR;
}sht30.h/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
#ifndef __sht30_H
#define __sht30_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "main.h"
#define CMD_READ_SERIALNBR 0x3780 // read serial number
#define CMD_READ_STATUS 0xF32D // read status register
#define CMD_CLEAR_STATUS 0x3041 // clear status register
#define CMD_HEATER_ENABLE 0x306D // enabled heater
#define CMD_HEATER_DISABLE 0x3066 // disable heater
#define CMD_SOFT_RESET 0x30A2 // soft reset
#define CMD_MEAS_CLOCKSTR_H0x2C06 // meas. clock stretching, high rep.
#define CMD_MEAS_CLOCKSTR_M0x2C0D // meas. clock stretching, medium rep.
#define CMD_MEAS_CLOCKSTR_L0x2C10 // meas. clock stretching, low rep.
#define CMD_MEAS_POLLING_H 0x2400 // meas. no clock stretching, high rep.
#define CMD_MEAS_POLLING_M 0x240B // meas. no clock stretching, medium rep.
#define CMD_MEAS_POLLING_L 0x2416 // meas. no clock stretching, low rep.
#define CMD_MEAS_PERI_05_H 0x2032 // meas. periodic 0.5 mps, high rep.
#define CMD_MEAS_PERI_05_M 0x2024 // meas. periodic 0.5 mps, medium rep.
#define CMD_MEAS_PERI_05_L 0x202F // meas. periodic 0.5 mps, low rep.
#define CMD_MEAS_PERI_1_H 0x2130 // meas. periodic 1 mps, high rep.
#define CMD_MEAS_PERI_1_M 0x2126 // meas. periodic 1 mps, medium rep.
#define CMD_MEAS_PERI_1_L 0x212D // meas. periodic 1 mps, low rep.
#define CMD_MEAS_PERI_2_H 0x2236 // meas. periodic 2 mps, high rep.
#define CMD_MEAS_PERI_2_M 0x2220 // meas. periodic 2 mps, medium rep.
#define CMD_MEAS_PERI_2_L 0x222B // meas. periodic 2 mps, low rep.
#define CMD_MEAS_PERI_4_H 0x2334 // meas. periodic 4 mps, high rep.
#define CMD_MEAS_PERI_4_M 0x2322 // meas. periodic 4 mps, medium rep.
#define CMD_MEAS_PERI_4_L 0x2329 // meas. periodic 4 mps, low rep.
#define CMD_MEAS_PERI_10_H 0x2737 // meas. periodic 10 mps, high rep.
#define CMD_MEAS_PERI_10_M 0x2721 // meas. periodic 10 mps, medium rep.
#define CMD_MEAS_PERI_10_L 0x272A // meas. periodic 10 mps, low rep.
#define CMD_FETCH_DATA 0xE000 // readout measurements for periodic mode
#define CMD_R_AL_LIM_LS 0xE102 // read alert limits, low set
#define CMD_R_AL_LIM_LC 0xE109 // read alert limits, low clear
#define CMD_R_AL_LIM_HS 0xE11F // read alert limits, high set
#define CMD_R_AL_LIM_HC 0xE114 // read alert limits, high clear
#define CMD_W_AL_LIM_LS 0x6100 // write alert limits, low set
#define CMD_W_AL_LIM_LC 0x610B // write alert limits, low clear
#define CMD_W_AL_LIM_HS 0x611D // write alert limits, high set
#define CMD_W_AL_LIM_HC 0x6116 // write alert limits, high clear
#define CMD_NO_SLEEP 0x303E
#define POLYNOMIAL0x31 // P(x) = x^8 + x^5 + x^4 + 1 = 00110001
#define SHT3XADDR 0x44 //SHT3X的I2C地址
#define SHT3X_WR_ADDR (SHT3XADDR << 1)
#define SHT3X_RD_ADDR (SHT3X_WR_ADDR | 0x01)
void SHT3X_Init(void);
int SHT3X_GetTempAndHumi(short *temp, short *humi);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /*__ usart_H */G0子板与F7子板通信STM32CubeMX配置USART外设根据原理图,STM32CubeMX配置G0通过USART2与F7子板通信外设:
https://www.stmcu.com.cn/upload/20200103/171.pnghttps://www.stmcu.com.cn/upload/20200103/172.png主要代码app.cstatic short temperature = 0, humidity = 0;
#define FRM_START 0x68
#define FRM_CMD_UPD_SENSOR 0x01
#define FRM_FIXLEN 14
#define FRM_END0 0x5c
#define FRM_END1 0x6e
#define FRM_POS_START 0
#define FRM_POS_CMD 1
#define FRM_POS_LEN 2
#define FRM_POS_DATA 3
#define FRM_POS_CRC 11
#define FRM_POS_END0 12
#define FRM_POS_END1 13
//eg:68 cmd len t t h h x x y y crc 16 / crc = 68 + cmd + len + t + t + h + h + x + x + y + y 16
extern UART_HandleTypeDef huart2;
uint8_t cal_crc(uint8_t *buf,uint8_t len)
uint8_t t_crc = 0;
uint8_t r_crc = 0;
//check crc
for(int i=0; i
这个程序没写完啊 Thief 发表于 2020-10-9 16:14