yesdayoncemore 发表于 2016-12-29 20:41:59

Arduino UNO WiFi Web panel

The Arduino UNO WiFi has a Web panel that it can be reached in different ways:
- If the board isn't been configurated yet, you can access inserting in the browser this link:
In this case look the getting started guide to configure it.
- If the board is been correctly configured then you can insert the ip address ( or the hostname(hostname.local/) from browser.

The Web panel has a simple menu that it is formed from five items: OVERVIEW, SERIAL MONITOR, WIFI,CONNECTIVITY and DEBUG LOG.
The Home page of the Web Panel corresponds to OVERVIEW menu, as shown in the below image:

In the Overview are shown all the informations about the configuration board:
the hostname, the network SSID, Wifi address, Wifi mode,...

Clicking on SERIAL MONITOR appears a serial monitor useful to display the results when you upload a sketch.

Furthermore in this section it is possible to reset the microcontroller clicking on RESET uC button.

Instead selecting from left menu the WIFI section, you can change the hostname simply typing the new hostname in the dedicated bar and after to click on CHANGE button, as shown in the below image:

It is possible also to switch to STA MODE or STA+AP MODE clicking the specific button, but keep in mind that it is advised to switch only in STA MODE because so the board will be visible on the Arduino IDE and, furthermore, you will be able to protect it from possible attacks, since it will no longer be visible as open network.

It is possible to connect the board to a network selecting it, inserting the correct password and clicking on CONNECTbutton.

In this section you can also choose if to use the DHCP or the Static IP, as shown in the picture:

In the CONNECTIVITY section you can enable the connection services for example the client MQTT and the SLIP:

Finally in the DEBUG LOG it is shown the debug log and it is possible to reboot the WiFi clicking the WiFi REBOOTbutton:

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