
APP里设备一直提示 “未绑定”

查看数: 61370 | 评论数: 16 | 收藏 0
关灯 | 提示:支持键盘翻页<-左 右->
发布时间: 2017-3-3 10:57


app可以搜索到设备,点击未绑定的设备,可以进入控制页面,但是返回到“我的设备”,还是提示未绑定。 在esp8266模块log里一直提示 DID len error! 会是什么问题导致的呢? [FR]  Receive OnBoarding ...


wangsda 发表于 2019-5-30 13:41:53
楼主解决了吗 我也是这个问题 现在找不到办法 能帮帮吗
wangsda 发表于 2019-5-30 13:40:21
楼主解决了吗 我也是这个问题
刘伟杰 发表于 2018-9-7 07:23:10
vicky 发表于 2017-4-18 10:16

Jawa 发表于 2018-9-5 16:37:32
yueda 发表于 2017-6-8 23:19:00
玮玮 发表于 2017-6-3 23:07:41
陪你 发表于 2017-6-1 14:33:13
应该是保存wifi账号 密码的写地址超出了01模块1M的位置,所以写失败,不知道这个地址怎么改,改成能用的地址01模块应该能全血复活
经典智能 发表于 2017-4-19 06:19:37
boboP 发表于 2017-4-18 10:21:37
vicky 发表于 2017-4-18 10:16:50
经典智能 发表于 2017-4-11 20:14:12
dl-lg 发表于 2017-3-10 19:33:23
[Lan] New client connect,pd:1
[Lan] Receive lan tcp packet cnt is 1
[Lan] Send passcode() to client[1][send data len:0].
[Lan] Lan tcp disconnect success,ip: port:56697
[Dev]  Turn on device restart count down, flag: 0

[18:19:49.046]收←◆[Lan] lan client num : 0,wan client num : 0

[18:19:50.703]收←◆[GAgent] Create pd:1  ip: port:56698
[Lan] New client connect,pd:1
[Lan] Receive lan tcp packet cnt is 1
[Lan] Send passcode() to client[1][send data len:0].
[Lan] Lan tcp disconnect success,ip: port:56698
[Dev]  Turn on device restart count down, flag: 0

[18:19:51.046]收←◆[Lan] lan client num : 0,wan client num : 0

[18:19:52.671]收←◆[GAgent] Create pd:1  ip: port:56699
[Lan] New client connect,pd:1
[Lan] Receive lan tcp packet cnt is 1
[Lan] Send passcode() to client[1][send data len:0].
[Lan] Lan tcp disconnect success,ip: port:56699
[Dev]  Turn on device restart count down, flag: 0

[18:19:53.046]收←◆[Lan] lan client num : 0,wan client num : 0

[18:19:54.703]收←◆[GAgent] Create pd:1  ip: port:56700
[Lan] New client connect,pd:1
[Lan] Receive lan tcp packet cnt is 1
[Lan] Send passcode() to client[1][send data len:0].
[Lan] Lan tcp disconnect success,ip: port:56700
[Dev]  Turn on device restart count down, flag: 0

[18:19:55.046]收←◆[Lan] lan client num : 0,wan client num : 0

[18:19:55.078]收←◆[Lan] DID len error!
[Lan] GAgent ack app discover ret=0...

[18:19:56.968]收←◆[GAgent] Create pd:1  ip: port:56706
[Lan] New client connect,pd:1
[Lan] Receive lan tcp packet cnt is 1
[Lan] Send passcode() to client[1][send data len:0].
[Lan] Lan tcp disconnect success,ip: port:56706
[Dev]  Turn on device restart count down, flag: 0

[18:19:57.046]收←◆[Lan] lan client num : 0,wan client num : 0

[18:19:58.750]收←◆[GAgent] Create pd:1  ip: port:56707
[Lan] New client connect,pd:1
[Lan] Receive lan tcp packet cnt is 1
[Lan] Send passcode() to client[1][send data len:0].
[Lan] Lan tcp disconnect success,ip: port:56707
[Dev]  Turn on device restart count down, flag: 0

[18:19:59.046]收←◆[Lan] lan client num : 0,wan client num : 0

[18:20:00.750]收←◆[GAgent] Create pd:1  ip: port:56708
[Lan] New client connect,pd:1
[Lan] Receive lan tcp packet cnt is 1
[Lan] Send passcode() to client[1][send data len:0].
[Lan] Lan tcp disconnect success,ip: port:56708
[Dev]  Turn on device restart count down, flag: 0

[18:20:01.046]收←◆[Lan] lan client num : 0,wan client num : 0

[18:20:02.734]收←◆[GAgent] Create pd:1  ip: port:56709
[Lan] New client connect,pd:1
[Lan] Receive lan tcp packet cnt is 1
[Lan] Send passcode() to client[1][send data len:0].
[Lan] Lan tcp disconnect success,ip: port:56709
[Dev]  Turn on device restart count down, flag: 0

[18:20:03.046]收←◆[Lan] lan client num : 0,wan client num : 0

[18:20:04.812]收←◆[GAgent] Create pd:1  ip: port:56710
[Lan] New client connect,pd:1
[Lan] Receive lan tcp packet cnt is 1
[Lan] Send passcode() to client[1][send data len:0].
[Lan] Lan tcp disconnect success,ip: port:56710
[Dev]  Turn on device restart count down, flag: 0

[18:20:05.046]收←◆[Lan] lan client num : 0,wan client num : 0

[18:20:05.203]收←◆[Lan] DID len error!
[Lan] GAgent ack app discover ret=0...

[18:20:06.781]收←◆[GAgent] Create pd:1  ip: port:56711
[Lan] New client connect,pd:1
[Lan] Receive lan tcp packet cnt is 1
[Lan] Send passcode() to client[1][send data len:0].
[Lan] Lan tcp disconnect success,ip: port:56711
[Dev]  Turn on device restart count down, flag: 0

[18:20:07.046]收←◆[Lan] lan client num : 0,wan client num : 0

[18:20:08.796]收←◆[GAgent] Create pd:1  ip: port:56712
[Lan] New client connect,pd:1
[Lan] Receive lan tcp packet cnt is 1
[Lan] Send passcode() to client[1][send data len:0].
[Lan] Lan tcp disconnect success,ip: port:56712
[Dev]  Turn on device restart count down, flag: 0

[18:20:09.046]收←◆[Lan] lan client num : 0,wan client num : 0

[18:20:10.796]收←◆[GAgent] Create pd:1  ip: port:56713
[Lan] New client connect,pd:1
[Lan] Receive lan tcp packet cnt is 1
[Lan] Send passcode() to client[1][send data len:0].
[Lan] Lan tcp disconnect success,ip: port:56713
[Dev]  Turn on device restart count down, flag: 0

[18:20:11.046]收←◆[Lan] lan client num : 0,wan client num : 0

[18:20:12.781]收←◆[GAgent] Create pd:1  ip: port:56714
[Lan] New client connect,pd:1
[Lan] Receive lan tcp packet cnt is 1
[Lan] Send passcode() to client[1][send data len:0].
[Lan] Lan tcp disconnect success,ip: port:56714
[Dev]  Turn on device restart count down, flag: 0
kq851211 发表于 2017-3-8 14:45:33
kq851211 发表于 2017-3-6 10:45:55
是一样的,我用的是soc方案。soc的程序是产品后台 MCU开发自动生成的代码,我查了,程序里pk,是产品基本信息里的Product Key。app的代码是在 安卓APP开源框架下载地址 里下的,我按 Android App快速开发 的步骤,修改了UIConfig.json 文件里的 app_id,app_secret,product_key。
boboP 发表于 2017-3-3 17:34:58
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