connected with 涓浗鑱旈€ channel 9
dhcp client start...
[025792][WiFiEvent] connect to ssid xxx€ channel 9
[026280][Local] BaudRate : 9600
[026280][Dev] uart sendLen:9 ok.
[026280][Local] Local_UartRx_Timer resendTime = 5
[026280][Local] BaudRate : 9600
[026280][Dev] uart sendLen:9 ok.
[026280][Local] Local_UartRx_Timer resendTime = 6
[025984][WiFiEvent] ip:,mask:,gw:
[026280][NWK] GAgentNwkEventCB event: 0x0010
[026280][Local] GAgentStatus change, lastGAgentStatus:0x0002, newGAgentStatus:0x0012
[..MALLOC 0x3fff5848] add2UartBufList[103] len=112
[..MALLOC 0x3fff3418] add2UartBufList[112] len=2
[026136][Local] Local send list node cnt 2
[026136][Local] Local is busy,will be sent for a while
[025976][WiFiEvent] enable bind mode, timeout time: 0.
[025976][GServer] Not ip, Go to GServer DNS.
[025976][FR] dns: api.gizwits.com found null obj. idex: 0
[025976][FR] dns data -------------------
[025976][FR] dns num:0
[025976][FR] domain:api.gizwits.com
[025976][FR] ip:
[025976][FR] reReqTime:0
[025976][FR] timeout:3600
[025976][FR] lastReqTime:4
[025976][FR] dnsResult_Cb:0x4021b438